You can cancel your subscription at any time after the very first payment has been taken, and up to three business days before the next scheduled payment. When you have cancelled your payment, you will still be able to use VideoScribe up until the time the next payment would have been due.

Step 1. Log into your online Sparkol account via our website by clicking on ‘account’ in the top right corner (A)

Step 2. Enter your email address (B) and password (C) and then click login (D)

Step 3. Click on ‘Subscriptions and invoices’ (E)

Step 4. Click on ‘cancel’ (F) next to your active subscription

A small number of people will have an older subscription from previous payment partners. If this is you, steps 5 to 9 are not applicable. Instead, you will be directed to alternative instructions (see links below).

Cancellation instructions for BlueSnap

Cancellation instructions for PayPal

Step 5. Before you go...

On this page, we explain some of the benefits you will be missing out on. If you still want to cancel, Click on 'Continue to Cancel' (G) 

Step 6. Why do you want to leave? 

Select one of the three options (H) to progress. Each option will take you to a different next step. In this example, we are going to select the option, "I'm not using it enough".

Step 7. Select 'Continue to Cancel' (I)

Depending on which previous option you have chosen, you will see content relevant to your choice on this page. We have selected "I'm not using it enough" in the previous step. No matter what choice you select, you will still need to select 'Continue to Cancel' to continue cancelling your subscription.

Step 8. Tick the box (J) and click on 'Cancel payment plan' (K)

Step 9. You will see this screen once you have successfully cancelled. 

You will have access to VideoScribe for any of the time you have already been invoiced for. The end date of the subscription will be shown on this page.