If you make a purchase from us you will need to register a postal address to your account. You can amend most aspects of that address but you cannot change a country registered against an account.
When you set a country for your account this determines where you are taxed and the currency you are charged for the product you have purchased.
For financial reporting purposes once you have set this aspect of your account it cannot be changed. So if you move to another country you would need to set-up a new Sparkol account to ensure you are paying the correct taxes on any purchases.
Some important things to consider when setting up your new account:
- If you have an active subscription please raise a support ticket to allow us to move your subscription to your new Sparkol account.
- Email addresses need to be unique so you can either create a new account with a new email, or change the address on your original account so your current email can be used on your new account.
- Any projects you have saved online within the original will not be available within your new account so make sure you have saved any projects you need going forward locally.
- You will still be able to log into your original account on our website to access old invoices and subscription information.