These 5 short videos will show you how easy it is to turn a blank VideoScribe canvas into a fun and engaging video.
Tutorial 1 - Create your first scene and save
In this video we take you through how to create your first scene and save your project.
Tutorial 2 - Setting the camera and create a second scene
Learn how to move around the canvas, set the camera and creating a second scene.
Tutorial 3 - Adding Sound
Bring your project to life by adding a soundtrack and a voiceover to your project.
Tutorial 4 - Editing and fine tuning your scribe
Learn about some of the different settings and techniques available in VideoScribe to take your project to the next level.
Tutorial 5 - Publish to video or social media
That's your project finished, all that remains now is to publish it to a video and share it with your audience.
Are you interested in more training?
- We have a Fundamentals course and Advanced course available on Udemy
- We can also arrange webinars, face-to-face sessions and bespoke training via the Sparkol Academy.